Resilient cities
Working together for a green and inclusive Europe.
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Young people – victims or protagonists in climate change issues?
Context climatic Criza climatică crește vulnerabilitatea majorității formelor de viață. Transformarea atmosferei Pământului, a oceanelor, a biosferei și a ciclurilor de nutrienți cauzată de utilizarea combustibililor fosili depășește în prezent granițele unui „spațiu sigur de operare”[1]. Potrivit unui raport al Organizației Meteorologice Mondiale (OMM), temperatura medie globală în 2020 a fost cu aproximativ 1.2 grade […]

Young Activist’s Guide
The climate crisis is a major threat to young people around the world. The Young Climate Activist’s Guide explains key concepts and tools for the youngest among us to get involved and defend our right to a healthy life and planet. Download the guide here

Roxana Pencea Bradățan
“ I studied international relations and social communication. In my work as a campaigner, I get involved in campaigns that fight climate change and provide tools for citizens to take action. In my spare time, I like to escape the city, pick mushrooms and hike mountain trails. Roxana Pencea BradățanCampaignerDeclic

Marian Ancuța
“ Non-formal education deals with a wide range of social issues. The resilience of small communities is what we have integrated through the Resilient Cities project. By applying methods such as Sense Map, PhotoVoice, Stop Frame or Climate Collage, the young people have taken up this theme in a participatory, creative and playful way. Learning […]